Seed Group

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How do we inspire inclusion for women

In reflection of International Women's Day (IWD) 2024, we're diving into a theme that's close to our hearts: "What does it mean to inspire inclusion truly?" It's a powerful question that pushes us to look at where we stand and where we need to go. And speaking of where we need to go, did you know that even now, only one in four C-suite executives is a woman? This stat isn't just a number; it's a clear signal that while we've made strides towards gender equity, the journey is far from over.

At Seed, we're committed to making a difference. Over the last year, we've specifically focused on welcoming women who are looking for new beginnings—whether they're shifting careers, new to the area, or young talents dreaming about their future careers. Our intern program, which is running again this Summer, is tailored to offer a real, hands-on look into the dynamic world of marketing, showcasing its potential for flexibility, creativity, and impact.

We also took our message about the vibrancy and flexibility of a marketing career to Hereford Cathedral School Sixth Form. It was an opportunity to open young eyes to the possibilities that lie in an industry that's as diverse as the audiences it serves. We talked about the essence of marketing—how it's about connecting, storytelling, and making a difference in people's lives.

And let's not forget about our 'Daily Hustle' WhatsApp group for female agency leaders. It's our virtual coffee shop where we gather to share, support, and uplift one another. It's a place for candid chats about our daily challenges and victories.

March reminds us of the work that lies ahead to make gender equity not just an aspiration but a reality. At Seed, we're committed to this cause, advocating for women, championing inclusivity, and ensuring that everyone has a seat at the table.